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Intuition Nutrition
Pricing Information
Initial online consultation £100 (60 minutes)
Review of medical history, current medications, diet and lifestyle and any previous dietary advice.
Achievable goal setting
Written report with meal ideas and physical activity guidance and agreed initial plan to work toward goals.
Follow up online consultation £60 (30 minutes)
Review of current goals and outcomes with updated progress report and ongoing progression plan.
Weight management package option (£200)
Initial consultation, including goal setting and detailed written report (60 mins)
2 follow up appointments (30 mins each)
Low FODMAP diet package option (IBS): (£250) Includes:
Initial online consultation for elimination phase (advice on removal of all FODMAPs from diet) 60-75 minutes
Reintroduction phase consultation detailing process of reintroducing FODMAP foods to tolerance (45-60 mins)
Supporting written information from Kings College London
Unlimited email support throughout
Personalisation call following completion of reintroduction phase (30 mins)
Please click on the below button to arrange a free 15 minute discovery call!
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